
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mtools is an open source collection of tools to allow a Unix operating system to manipulate files on an MS-DOS file system, typically a floppy disk or floppy disk image.

The mtools are part of the GNU Project and are released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).


MTools Commercial - Check out : https://www.facebook.com/MtoolsPH.

The following refers to mtools usage in floppy images. (Useful for virtual machines such as QEMU or VirtualBox.)

Copying a file to floppy image:

  $ mcopy -i Disk.img file_source ::file_target  

Copying a file from floppy image to the current directory:

  $ mcopy -i Disk.img ::file_source file_target  

Deleting all files in the disk image

  $ mdel -i Disk.img ::*.*  

The drive character : (colon) has a special meaning. It is used to access image files which are directly specified on the command line using the -i options.

See also

MTool Use to Adjust the Mileage Change of Cars OBD M BUS Car ...
MTool Use to Adjust the Mileage Change of Cars OBD M BUS Car .... Source : www.aliexpress.com

  • Disk image


Object preening W/C=Wild or Captive; R=References; M=Tool ...
Object preening W/C=Wild or Captive; R=References; M=Tool .... Source : www.researchgate.net

External links

R & M TOOLS on Twitter:
R & M TOOLS on Twitter: "R&Ms Myford cylindrical grinder may be .... Source : twitter.com

  • mtools official page on the GNU website
  • Boot disk images for DOS DOS disk images

2 - updated sc eval assign - describe the mtool solution nicole ...
2 - updated sc eval assign - describe the mtool solution nicole .... Source : es.scribd.com

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